Reassessing the Demotic Text
of the
Rosetta Stone
On Sunday May 15th
2011, the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society held its first
ever Skype lecture via Skopje Macedonia. Dr. Tome Boshevski of the
Macedonian Academy of Arts & Sciences and Dr. Aristotel Tentov
of the University of Cyril & Metodi presented their research
on the middle text of the Rosetta Stone. The lecture was held at
the OISE Auditorium of the University of Toronto where many interested
historians in attendance (at both locationsToronto and Skopje) were
presented the findings of these prominant Macedonian researchers.
The two Macedonians are the first in the world to have decoded the
midle text of the Rosetta Stone. Accourding to Tentov and Boshevski,
the text is the language of the ancient Macedonians.
Click below to view
the power point presentation.
Macedonian Language