Doors Open
Toronto - Toronto Archives
On Saturday, May 24, 2003 the Toronto Archives held its annual
Doors Open Toronto exhibit. Various organizations from the Toronto
area, including the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society were
invited to display artifacts from their past. The Toronto Archives
is an impressive building located on Davenport just north of Spadina
and houses "miles of information" about Toronto.

Alex Nitsis, president
of CMHS, put together a magnificent display
of books, pictures, posters, etc. Our table literally
stage, exhibiting colourful artifacts from
Macedonian events and activities. This informative display board
can hopefully be used again at other events.

One large panoramic picture of a Macedonian event from 1936
caused a stir among organizers when it was discovered
the picture was taken on Madison Avenue,
directly behind where the Archives building stands today.

Alex Nitsis, and Virginia Dubiel of the CMHS were
on hand to answer questions and give attendees information about
the Macedonian community in Canada and about our organization.
Several members of the Macedonian community dropped by to visit
our display and lend their support. This event sparked many nostalgic
discussions about what it was like growing up as a Macedonian in
