When Bad Things Happened
in the 19th Century to Good Macedonian People, by Risto Stefov
November 17, 2003
Risto Stefov delivered an interesting overview of our history,
touching on early history, but concentrating on what happened during
the 19th Century that affected what is happening in and to Macedonia
today. He divided his talk into the following categories.
Early History
- The Byzantine Empire
- Byzantine Religion and Language
- The Rise of the Ottoman Empire
- Ottoman Religion and Rule
The People of the 19th Century
- The Macedonians
- The Turks, Vlachs, Roma, Jews, Pomaks, Tosks, Ghegs
- The Phanariots, Bashi-bazouks, Ianitsari
The 19th Century Economy
- The European Economic Revolution
- The Balkans - a market for the Great Powers
- The Decline of the Balkan Economy
The Great Powers and their Goals in the Balkans
- Russia
- Britain
- France
- Austria-Hungary
- Italy
- Germany
- The Ottoman
Historical Milestones
- 1774 - Russia defeats Turkey, gain access to Black Sea,
becomes protector of Christians
- 1798 - Napoleon Invades Egypt, Turkey sends army from Balkans
to fight back
- 1804 - Ianitsari take control, Serbians Rebel
- 1815 - Napoleon Defeated,
- 1821 - Greece plans three prong rebellion, fails miserably
- 1830 - Russia Loses patience with Turkey, Greece Becomes
a nation for the first time
- 1853 - Great Power, power struggle and the Crimean
- 1875 - Turkey wins war, becomes bankrupt and causes
the Eastern Crisis
- 1878 - Russian venturous haste creates Greater
Bulgaria and the San Stefano Treaty
- 1878 - Great Power Greed and the Congress of
- Effects of Ottoman Rule on the good Macedonian People
- Effects of European Imperialism on the Macedonian Economy
- Effects of Great Power meddling in Balkan Politics
- Effects of the Berlin Congress on the good Macedonian people
- What does the future hold for Macedonia beyond 1878?