The First of its Kind - Macedonian Museum
On a warm day in May, a Macedonian Museum was officially opened. It exhibits not only some costumes that are over 100 years old, but represents the Macedonian culture and history with artifacts such as a beaded snake (men used to twirl when dancing) and baby blankets with a coin sewn on, etc. It was the women who labored over the “costumes” or various parts by candlelight, and were worn either daily or on special occasions. These treasures have all been donated to the Canadian Macedonian Historical Society, and presented in a very professional manner. They have been documented as to their source (the name of the village), region, approximate time period and their donors, etc. Despina Bursey, board member, has headed the Museum committee, and worked on it with heart, love and dedication. James and Dena Nicoloff have been a invaluable source of information because of their vast knowledge of Macedonian costumes. They have been collecting for many, many years, while our collection started in 1991, twenty-five years ago. We are now able to preserve, treasure and display them for the community and beyond, to see and be proud of.
The Museum had an auspicious beginning with the Archbishop, His Eminence Metropolitan Metodij along with the priests from St. Dimitrija Solunski MOC Markham in attendance in order to properly bless the Museum. Consul General Jovica Palasevski was also in attendance for the occasion.
The Canadian Macedonian Place has been very generous by allocating space, but also building unique cases in order to display this special part of our history, all to museum qualifications. The Canadian Macedonian Historical Society is very grateful for their donation in having this facility available as part of Canadian Macedonian Place. A museum that both the Society and CMP can be very proud of.
Tony Markovski, President gave a speech welcoming the crowd. He also introduced Despina Bursey, who also mentioned her dedicated team, Dena and James Nicoloff, as Advisors, and Ginny Evans and Kristine Zolis as assistants on the Museum committee. She also mentioned that we welcome donations to the museum. You can call the Historical Society number and leave your name and number, and someone will call you back about your donation. We want to include costumes and pieces from all three regions of Macedonia.
This was a very significant opening for the Macedonian community. We hope to be able to have someone in attendance so that this place will be accessible in the future. We will let you know. Check our Society website for further information.![](../images/museum/museum_2.jpg)